Invest in Your Future with a Real-World 金融 Education.
对于有志从事金融行业的学生来说,对知识的投资是最宝贵的资产. Tiffin University’s BBA in 金融 blends theory and application in a practical, 全面的培训, covering key areas of finance along with accounting, 经济学与管理学. 您将获得在快节奏和令人兴奋的金融世界中获得有益职业所需的知识和经验.
博彩平台推荐已被批准参加特许金融分析师(CFA®)协会的大学合作计划(UAP®)。. 这一批准意味着TU金融专业的学生现在可以代表CFA®申请经济援助奖学金, 大学将有机会参加CFA®认可的课程和考试,用于教学目的.
Chartered 金融分析师 (CFA®) Institute, 全球领先的投资行业,旨在促进道德的最高标准, 教育, 以及专业上的卓越, 批准TU的金融工商管理硕士参加其大学合作计划(UAP®). 这种联系意味着TU的课程与投资管理的实践紧密相连, and incorporates at least 70% of the CFA Program Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK). 换句话说,我们的课程为学生提供参加CFA考试的资源. 这种联系也使我们的金融专业学生每年有资格获得有限数量的CFA学生奖学金.
金融 is an integral part of decision making in every organization, 从公司制企业到非营利组织再到各级公共部门. 因此, 世界各地的组织都需要受过专门金融培训的人,他们能够做出明智的投资决策,并通过对财务数据和分析的透彻理解来仔细权衡潜在的财务策略.
理工大学金融课程, taught by faculty who bring years of financial industry experience, 提供专业的金融教育, striking a balance between theory and application. You’ll learn the 原则 of finance by doing finance, 当你获得第一手资料, practical knowledge of the financial working world.
With a firm understanding of financial operations as well as financial markets, you’ll be well prepared for positions in industry, including manufacturing and retailing; in financial institutions such as banks, 保险公司, pension funds and investment firms; and in the field of financial planning.
- 不用投入额外的时间和金钱就能获得财务会计双学位.
- Gain real-world experience by managing a real-life investment portfolio.
- 获得行业认证.
- Learn critical soft skills in addition to technical skills.
- Study in small class sizes with individualized attention.
- 参加联邦储备银行和其他金融机构的实地考察.
- 通过与不同的TU学生群体的互动,采用更全球化的视角.
- TU商学院获得了商学院和课程认证委员会(ACBSP)的认证。.
- On a national standardized test by Peregrine, 在金融领域, Tiffin University 商学院 students scored on average 12.53 percentage points higher as compared with students from ACBSP schools.
这种加速课程可以让你同时获得工商管理硕士和工商管理硕士学位, giving you the ability to earn a bachelor’s and master’s in just five years, 节省你的时间和金钱. 了解我们的MBA课程.
在TU的金融项目, you’ll learn theory in the context of real-world application, as you study with faculty who bring vast financial experience to the classroom. You’ll gain your own experience in our Financial Lab, 您将在哪里使用与专业投资者和财务顾问相同的行业工具编译和分析财务数据. 您将通过管理现实生活中的投资组合来发展做出投资决策的专业知识. 这是现实世界, 实用的金融教育,将在各方面准备你成为一个见多识广和经验丰富的金融专业人士.
TU的金融课程将在学术和专业上为您提供博彩平台推荐, 实践课程. As part of a practitioner-focused program, you will:
- 掌握银行、基金管理、财务分析等领域的最新相关知识
- Link theory to practice via real-world case studies
- 获得行业认证 – including IBM Skills Academy, Morningstar and SAS credentials – that are built into courses
- Work hands-on with best-practice financial industry software
- 掌握职业技能, 包括量化交易员技能, 软件培训, 研究技能, analytical ability and valuable oral skills
- 通过参加各种金融和商业竞赛来磨练你的财务技能
作为金融专业的学生, your studies will extend beyond the textbook, as you take lessons from the classroom to the lab. Our advanced 金融 Lab – with a full-sized stock ticker; two large flat panel TVs with scrolling financial data; and 30 computer terminals, each with Morningstar access – offers you hands-on learning and experience, using financial industry software and databases. A leading institutional data and research provider, Morningstar facilitates your immersive finance 教育 by providing:
- Detailed information on mutual funds, equities, ETFs and hedge funds
- Historical data (monthly, quarterly and annual)
- 基金组合
- 投资组合筛选
- 风险调整星级
- 投资风格盒子
- 分析师的评论和评论
- 对基金进行排名和比较
- Perform advanced analysis for research purposes
- Construct and analyze mutual fund portfolios
除了, 学生将有机会利用晨星认证项目.
课程 & 格式
- ACC228管理会计- 3小时
- ACC301 Intermediate 会计 I – 3 hours
- 商业法II - 3小时
- ECO322 Intermediate Microeconomics – 3 hours
- 管理经济学- 3小时
- FIN315 Financial Risk Management – 3 hours
- FIN420货币和银行- 3小时
- FIN421投资- 3小时
- 国际金融- 3小时
- FIN461 Data Analytics in 金融 – 3 hours
合计- 30小时
This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. 有关详细的注册和咨询信息,请咨询官方学术公报.
风险管理及保险(FIN315) 现代管理者面临的关键问题之一是如何处理公司面临的风险. 本课程将帮助您了解如何评估和使用衍生品作为市场风险管理的手段. 我们还将探讨使用保险来处理个人或公司面临的其他风险背后的关键概念.
投资(FIN421) – This course is meant as a survey in the field of Investments. 它侧重于金融理论在投资管理问题上的实际应用. Topics will include portfolio optimization and asset allocation, 资产定价模型的理论及其对投资的影响,以及评估投资管理绩效.
国际金融(FIN426) – The study of the institutions, concepts, and instruments of international finance. Current and past international monetary systems shall be discussed. Special attention shall be directed to consideration of accounting, 金融和税收的差异,全球公司(跨国公司-跨国公司)的经验,在国内和国外经济. 其他议题应包括确定汇率及其宏观经济联系, 汇率对经常账户和资本账户余额的影响以及全球公司可以参与对冲汇率风险的技术.
实习(FIN470) – Provides the student actual experience in applying the concepts, 原则, and rules of finance in real-world circumstances. 工作时间和工作任务是与企业或组织赞助商在个人基础上安排的.
在校园 – Offered in a 15-week semester format with start dates of January and August
金融领域提供了广泛的具有挑战性和回报丰厚的职业——这是一个薪酬丰厚且持续增长的领域. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 未来10年,金融专业毕业生的就业增长将稳定在高于平均水平的水平.
- 会计
- 审计师
- Bookkeeping, 会计 and Auditing Clerk
- 预算分析
- 首席财务官
- 索赔专家
- 商业银行家
- 大宗商品的代表
- 合规官
- 成本估计
- 信贷专家
- 财务顾问
- 金融分析师
- 财务经理
- 金融服务代表
- 信贷员
- 管理分析师
- 按揭覆核主任
- 个人理财顾问
- 销售经理
- 证券代表
- 股票经纪人
- 亚伦的公司.
- 美国银行公司
- 宝马集团
- 克劳福特豪盈有限公司.
- 企业控股有限公司
- 摩根大通 & Co.
- 金伯尔中西部
- Marafiq
- 马拉松石油公司
- 全国保险
- 老堡滩
- 高速公路
- Vistaprint
- 西方 & 南方的生活
蒂芬,OH 44883
- 拥有丰富财务经验的教员
- Blend of cutting-edge theory and hands-on practice
- Relevant field knowledge and career-ready skills
- 动手,高级金融实验室
“博彩平台推荐最适合那些想和教授一对一交流的学生. The people here will give you all the tools to be successful. Bring the drive, and you will leave here with everything you need.”