成功不是偶然的. 相反,它是熟练的计划和执行的结果. 在博彩平台推荐的供应管理项目, you’ll learn about all the functions that go into creating a smooth flow of goods – from 操作 planning, 采购和采购到生产, 配送和运输. 您将学习领先组织使用的最新方法. You’ll acquire a solid foundation in the critical aspects of supply chain management, equipping you with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in this dynamic and rewarding field.
随着供应链变得越来越复杂, 竞争日趋激烈, 企业绩效的标准也在迅速提高, companies in every industry are searching for supply chain management professionals. The BBA in 供应链管理 will prepare you to be conversant in the language, 供应链管理的应用与技术, 使您能够帮助满足这些组织的供应链需求.
在程序中, you’ll study supply chain management as a cross-functional discipline involving many components of business including product development, 计划和预测, 采购及采购, 库存管理, 操作, 销售, 产品交付, 客户服务, 和更多的. You’ll learn how a well-managed supply chain – by helping to provide quality products, outstanding 客户服务 and effective cost control – can have a direct, 对公司盈利能力的积极影响.
在供应链管理的所有关键方面都有良好的基础, you’ll be encouraged to take the Certification examination administered by the American Production and Inventory Control Society leading to the 设计ation of Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP). 另外, 利用他们八门公开选修课中的六门, 供应链管理专业的学生也可以选修第二专业 生产管理.
- Experienced faculty bring real-world knowledge and expertise to the classroom.
- 在小班教学中学习,老师们会非常关注你的成功.
- 学院顾问会在你完成第一学年的学习后分配.
- Flexible curriculum allows you to double major, or minor, in areas that interest you.
- 通过必要的实习获得实际经验.
- 受益于广泛的指导和网络机会.
- 工商管理学院是由 商学院和项目认证委员会.
This accelerated pathway allows you to take classes that count as dual credit towards both your BBA and MBA degrees, 让你有能力在短短五年内获得学士和硕士学位, 节省你的时间和金钱. 了解我们的MBA课程.
教师 teaching in the supply chain management program come from various manufacturing backgrounds, 曾在通用汽车等公司工作过, 库珀轮胎 & 橡胶和大力神轮胎和橡胶. 他们也曾在小型家族企业工作. 在小公司工作的视角, medium and large organizations brings a valuable perspective in teaching about the distinct realities and complexities of real-life supply chains.
Our professional program is all about the real world of supply chain management. 您将了解有关产品生产、运输和分销的所有信息. 涵盖从库存到生产到销售的所有内容, our program will prepare you as specialist who can comprehend and manage the entire supply chain. 你将学会与他人合作创造, 生产和提供商品和服务, 你会确保一切都在预算内按时完成. The in-depth understanding you’ll bring will be crucial to any business that makes and sells products.
作为项目的一部分, you’ll have the opportunity to take the Certification examination administered by the American Production and Inventory Control Society leading to the 设计ation of Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP).
在供应链管理的现实世界的研究, 您将获得职业准备知识和技能:
- Understand information flows and product movement from raw material to the customer.
- Get the right product to the right place, at the right time, at the right price.
- 不仅在公司内部协调供应链功能, 而是与他们的商业伙伴和客户.
- Achieve a competitive advantage for an organization by knowing how to manage its supply chains.
- Gain your own competitive edge as you begin an exciting career in supply chain management.
在供应链管理程序, 我们利用时事实时曝光, 现实世界的管理问题. 作为现实生活研究的一部分, 你将参与案例研究讨论, 演示和实际案例研究开发. 你将与商界领袖互动, 高级管理人员, 企业家及理工大学校友, 让内容和理论鲜活起来.
体验式学习很重要,因为它鼓励批判性思维, 解决问题, 和决策, 我们项目的支柱是什么. 除了, hands-on learning fills the gap between theory and practice and gives you a firsthand opportunity to apply what has been taught.
- 案例研究-进入关键决策者的角色, 分析情况, 然后决定如何应对这些挑战.
- Collaborative assignments and projects – develop important teamwork skills as you learn to work effectively within a group.
- Pair or group discussions – become adept at presenting and debating different points of view.
- 访问ing professionals – learn from and interact with business professionals in the field.
- 顶点课程和项目-展示学习和知识, 磨练技能,提升你的简历.
- MGT 495 capstone course – sharpen your professional knowledge and skills throughout the course’s simulation game.
- 研究——对概念和理论有更好的理解, 同时提高你解决问题的能力.
- 实习-积累经验, 学习一个专业的工作场所是如何运作的, 制作简历, 扩大你的网络,提高你的市场竞争力.
- Service learning – develop practical skills through activities with community partners such as 政府ernment agencies or non-政府ernmental organizations.
课程 & 格式
- ACC228管理会计- 3小时
- 信息系统管理- 3小时
- CST412 IT项目管理- 3小时
- 供应链管理- 3小时
- MGT301组织行为学- 3小时
- MGT317人力资源管理- 3小时
- MGT324物流及配送- 3小时
- MGT356质量管理- 3小时
- MGT422材料管理和采购- 3小时
- MGT455精益组织- 3小时
合计- 30小时
This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.
供应链管理(MGT221) – This course is an overview of supply chain management and will briefly cover the topics of procurement, 精益组织, 全面质量管理, 物流及物料管理.
人力资源管理(MGT317) -企业人力资源职能的研究. 主要研究领域将包括人员配置, 招聘, 培训和发展, 工资及薪金管理, 工作分析与评估与劳动关系.
质量管理(MGT356) – A study of Quality Management principles and philosophy including the ideas of Deming, 朱兰和克罗斯比, 员工参与, 改善, 统计过程控制和六西格玛.
物料管理及采购(MGT422) – Studying the requirements for managing the flow of materials in various processes to include planning and inventory control. 组织中采购职能的性质, 包括供应商关系, 供应商选择, 签发与采购有关的合同和合同法, 长期合作伙伴关系和自己做还是买的决定.
精益组织(MGT455) -在整个供应链中应用准时制原则, including how to define and eliminate waste; the utilization of information in lieu of inventory; Pull versus Push systems; Kanban signaling and material coordination; and an in-depth look at the Toyota Production System.
在校园 – Offered in a 15-week semester format with start dates of January and August
Jobs for supply chain management majors are projected to grow 30% in the next 10 years, 中等年薪是76美元,根据美国的统计.S. 劳工统计局.
- 区域经理
- 业务运营专员
- 采购钢材/管材
- 电脑用户支援专员
- 客户服务代表
- 扣款解决专员
- 财务经理
- 工业生产经理
- 精益顾问
- 物流客户经理
- 物流经理
- 量产采购
- 物料管理主管
- 生产调度程序
- 项目管理专员
- 采购部专员
- 质量经理
- 供应链经理
- 亚马逊
- 美国本田汽车公司
- 雪佛龙菲利普斯化工公司
- 天纳克
- 火星
- 阿尔玛纳医院集团
- 全面优质物流
- J.M. 等公司
蒂芬,OH 44883
- 教师带来多年的行业经验.
- 在小班学习,高度个性化的班级.
- 必要的实习提供宝贵的实践经验.
- 受益于广泛的指导和网络机会.
- 为行业认证做准备.
“Using my TU network has helped me to land an internship and ultimately full-time staff accountant position at a Fortune 50 company. I have presented quarterly and yearly data to large groups including 高级管理人员 as well as assist in several projects including software testing of a West and East business unit merger in which we are integrating the entire company.”